Reza Jafari


Update: 2025-03-28

Reza Jafari

Physics /

Master Theses

  1. Identifying the Leader Species in Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in a Model Based on Interaction and Competition
    Yashar Tayyarazad 2025
  2. Modeling the preferred routes of news dissemination in social networks
  3. characteristic features of spin-glass in higher-order interactions
    Ali Talebi 2025
  4. Percolation of emergent behaviors in social botnet
    Parsa Bigdeli 2024
  5. Segregation of Brain Sub-networks in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder within the Framework of Balance Theory
    Fahimeh Ahmadi 2024
  6. fMRI analysis of brain networks of autistic people during development with the method of heterogeneous balance theory
  7. Investigation of brain functional network stability during Working Memory
    Sepehr Gourabi 2024
  8. Gene network analysis of cancer cells with maximum entropy and interaction matrix approach
    Hadiseh Saadati 2023
  9. Analyzis of crises in cryptocurrency market with random matrix theory
    Arefeh sadat Zarifian parvin hoseini 2023
  10. Efficiency of urban transportation network
    Hamed Izadpanahi 2022
  11. Continuous Hider Balance theory
  12. Network Analysis of Farsi Twitter Users in the 2021 Presidential Election
    Saeedeh Mohammadi 2021
  13. Stock portfolio risk management using bohemian quantum mechanics
    Nosrat Ebrahimi 2021
  14. Analyzing economical data using inverse statistical mechanics
    Elmira Vahidi sherbaf 2021
  15. Balance Dynamics in the Framework of Continuous-Time Random Walk
    Mohammad Rezayi Nejad 2021
  16. The Quantum potential governing the hierarchical cascade model
    Sayed Reza Hoseini 2021
  17. station and detection of bots in social media
    Parham Moradi 2020
  18. Generalization of quantum potential for correlated markets
    Hossein Khaksar Boldaji 2020
  19. modeling and memory estimation for dependent non-markov processes
    Hosein Motahari 2020
  20. complex systems analysis using persistent homology technique
    Hosein Masoomy 2020

  21. Mohammad Sherafati 2020

  22. Reyhaneh Shorbi 2019

  23. Zahra Kazemi dehaghi 2019

  24. Mahdieh Ebrahimi 2018

  25. Abbas Karimi Rizi 2018

  26. Mohammad Hosein Hakimi Siboni 2018

  27. Javad Shoae Gharehbagh 2018

  28. Mina Zamani 2018

  29. Hossein Falizkaran Yazdi 2017

  30. Mostafa Jannesari 2017

  31. Sara Moti Birjandi 2017

  32. Maryam Naderi 2017

  33. Soroush Karimi 2016

  35. Spin Transport in Magneto-Organics Nano Structuers
    Mohammad Ebrahim Ghazvini 2016
  36. The Effect of Memory on the Dynamics of Scale Free Network
    Amir Keyvan Shamkhali 2016
  37. Analysis of Collective Influence and Spatial Correlation on Epidemic Spreading
    Fatemeh Riahi 2016
  38. Interactions effect in collective movements of self-propelled particles
    Pouya Hossein Chaghoei 2016
  39. Robustness of Complex Networks under Attacks
    Leila Nourbala 2015
  40. Comparison of EEG Signals of Natural and Artificial Sleep by Mapping to Complex Networks and Random Matrix Theory
    Mohammad Joudy 2015
  41. Controllability of Complex Networks
    Milad Zare Kamali 2015
  42. Dynamics of correlation in open quantum systems
    Seyed Javad Kazemi 2015
  43. Comaprison of sleep patterns of Diazepam and Myrtus drugs with Normal pattern of sleep by EEG signals.
    Amirhosein Jahani 2015
  44. Analysis of Size Distribution of companies and Interaction Effects
    Farideh Oloomi 2015
  45. Analyizing Coupling in Stochastic Process with Random Matrix Approach
    Jafar Askari Dehnoei 2014

  46. Hamed Baratvand 2013

  47. Mahdi Sami Shiraz 2013

  48. Sahar Moradi 2012

  49. Somayeh Asadzadeh 2011

  50. Hossein Nikoofard 2011

  51. Fatemeh Iranmanesh 2011

  52. Maryam Zamani 2010