
The Faculty of Physics was founded originally as the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science in 1967, and is currently incorporating a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The faculty has 26 faculty members, including 8 full professors, 12 associate professors and 6 assistant professors. The main building of the faculty has seven educational labs, seven research labs, several experimental facilities, an HPC cluster and a machine shop. More than 160 undergraduate, about 160 master’s and about 80 PhD students are routinely enrolled, and more than 10 postdoctoral researchers are involved in research. The Faculty of Physics has two libraries, one located in the main building and the other shared with the Faculty of Chemistry. The libraries contain more than 6000 titles in Persian, 4600 titles in English, and 50 titles of scientific magazines. The faculty focuses on vast areas of advanced technologies and cutting-edge research activities in atomic and molecular optical and plasma physics, condensed matter physics, gravitation and cosmology, astrophysics, elementary particles, complex systems and econophysics.